Ignite Your Soulful Business and Live Your Soul’s Higher Destiny

Discover How to Consistently Attract Your Soulmate Clients, and Fulfill Your Higher Purpose with A Tailored, Heart-Centered Approach

Ready to transform your business and embrace your soul’s higher destiny?

Unlock the potential of your soulful business and step into a future where you consistently attract soulmate clients, achieve financial freedom, and fulfill your higher purpose with a tailored, heart-centered approach. 

Begin your journey to profound business success and spiritual fulfillment.


The Ignite Your Soulful Business mentor program is a private, individualized 6-12 month journey designed to help heart-centered entrepreneurs elevate their business, consistently attract soulmate clients, and achieve financial freedom with increased income and impact.

This program is tailored to meet you where you are, addressing your unique needs and guiding you towards your business goals and soul’s higher calling. Experience profound transformation, aligned success, and the fulfillment of your higher purpose.

Growing a business, especially as a heart-centered spiritual entrepreneur, can be incredibly challenging. Many marketing and business growth strategies, from so-called experts, feel misaligned and fail to deliver the promised results.

I’ve been there myself, struggling with cookie-cutter approaches that didn’t resonate, felt in alignment, or even work for me. That’s why I created this program – to offer a truly personalized experience that fits each individual’s unique blueprint.

The Ignite Your Soulful Business program is not a one-size-fits-all solution. 

Each client receives a individualized plan tailored to their specific needs and goals. I’ve seen firsthand how transformative it can be when you have the right support and strategies tailored to your unique needs. 

Many programs focus on what has worked for them or what is trendy, but they fail to consider the individuality of each entrepreneur. I’ve worked with coaches who pushed strategies like posting on social media multiple times a day, or using aggressive marketing tactics, which felt misaligned and made me cringe.

Can you relate to that???

Through my own experiences and inner work, I realized that success comes from finding the right strategies that align with your soul’s blueprint and that FEEL in alignment, even if it goes against everything you have learned, been taught, or is perceived as the RIGHT THING to do. 

When I simplified my approach and focused on alignment, everything started to flow, and I achieved immense results without the overwhelm.

Through this program, you will feel more in alignment with your work, your business, and the clients you attract. You will experience more joy and excitement, feel deeply fulfilled and on purpose, and have more time and money freedom. 

This holistic approach ensures that your business growth is sustainable, impactful, and deeply satisfying.

You are here to fulfill your soul’s higher calling, to make an impact in the world as a wayshower, leader, and guide to others. your time has Now come To Embrace your greater purpose.


Feeling Frustrated and Overwhelmed: You have tried different courses, group coaching programs, and followed experts, but the results have been hit or miss. You are frustrated because nothing seems to work consistently, and you're overwhelmed by the tech side of growing an online business.
Struggling with Marketing: You are great at what you do, but when it comes to marketing and growing your business, you feel challenged and often put off by the “bro-marketing” tactics that feel pushy and misaligned. You want a marketing strategy that feels authentic and in alignment with your soul's blueprint.
Inconsistent Client Attraction: You know you are meant to make a big impact, but attracting clients consistently has been a challenge. You are frustrated by the inconsistency and want a steady flow of clients who are willing and ready to invest in your services.
Misaligned Strategies: You have tried various strategies only to feel misaligned and icky about them. Following cookie-cutter approaches has left you feeling disconnected and without the desired results. You crave a unique, authentic strategy that feels right for you.
Lack of Support and Guidance: You are on this journey alone, without the support or guidance to help you grow your business. You need a plan that allows you to expand and become more visible without doing all the heavy lifting yourself.
Mindset Blocks and Fears: You have fears around being seen, putting yourself out there, and charging higher prices. You doubt your ability to be truly successful and feel held back by internal blocks and money issues.
Craving Authentic Success: Despite knowing you are meant for more, you feel stuck at your current level of success. You want to help more people and make a bigger impact without working extra hard or long hours of making sacrifices to achieve the success you desire.
Overwhelmed by Tech: The tech side of setting up systems, websites, email opt-ins, and other tools feels complicated and overwhelming. You want to learn effective marketing strategies that don't consume all your time.
Ready for a Tailored Approach: You need a program that’s individualized to your specific needs and goals, not a one-size-fits-all solution. You want a holistic approach that includes inner work, energetic alignment, and practical strategies.
Seeking Fulfillment and Freedom: Ultimately, you desire to feel more in alignment with your work, attract the right clients, experience joy and excitement in your business, and achieve time and money freedom.

This program is designed to address all these challenges and help you achieve profound business success and spiritual fulfillment. If any of this resonates with you, you're in the right place.


Consistent Income Growth: Achieve steady and reliable $10K+ months, breaking free from the cycle of sporadic income.
Attract Soulmate Clients: Draw in clients who truly resonate with your work and are eager to invest in your services.
Aligned Business Strategies: Implement marketing and business growth strategies that feel authentic and perfectly aligned with your soul’s blueprint.
Inner and Energetic Alignment: Overcome internal blocks, fears, and doubts, allowing you to fully embrace your potential and purpose.
Enhanced Visibility: Increase your visibility and become more known in your field without feeling overwhelmed or misaligned.
Time and Money Freedom: Create multiple streams of income, including passive income, to enjoy more freedom and flexibility in your life.
Deep Fulfillment: Experience profound joy, excitement, and fulfillment in your business, knowing you are living your higher purpose.
Sustainable Growth: Develop systems and strategies that ensure long-term success and sustainability in your business.
Personal and Professional Empowerment: Feel empowered in both your personal and professional life, confidently stepping into your role as a leader and wayshower.
Holistic Success: Achieve a balance of external success and internal harmony, leading to a thriving, soulful business and a deeply satisfying life.

These transformative results await you as you embark on this journey with the Ignite Your Soulful Business program.

Request a free, no obligation discovery session

Ready to ignite your soulful business and step into your true potential? Book a free discovery session and let’s explore if this program is your path to genuine, lasting transformation. Begin your journey to a thriving, purposeful business and a more fulfilling life today!


To achieve these transformative results, we follow a highly personalized approach that combines inner mindset work with energetic work, as well as strategic planning and execution. Here’s how we do it:

Personalized Akashic Insight:
We begin with a detailed Akashic Record reading. You will receive a detailed written report that provides deep insights into your business, ideal clients, and the best strategies aligned with your soul’s blueprint. This serves as our roadmap for your journey.
2-Hour Deep-Dive Kickoff Session:
Next, we have a 2-hour kickoff session to review the Akashic Record reading and craft our plan moving forward. During this session, we explore all areas of your business, assess what you currently have in place, set powerful intentions for the success you would love to achieve, and craft a personalized strategy to help you achieve your goals.
Bi-Weekly 60-Minute Deep Dive Sessions:
Every two weeks, we will have 60-minute deep dive sessions where we take a holistic approach to your business growth. These sessions include inner healing, energy work, mindset work, and strategic planning. We will refine your strategies, plan, review progress, and make necessary adjustments.
Ongoing Support:
You will have ongoing support via email and weekly check-ins through email, WhatsApp, or Voxer. This ensures you feel confident and supported every step of the way.
Review and Feedback:
I will review your work and offer guidance and suggestions, including your offers, lead magnets, messaging, sales pages, funnels, etc. If you’re unsure how to create any of these, I will guide you and provide teaching videos as needed.

This comprehensive support system ensures you have everything you need to achieve profound business success and spiritual fulfillment. Together, we will turn your vision into reality, creating a thriving, soulful business that aligns with your higher purpose and higher calling.

It Is Now Your Time To Experience the Joy and Fulfillment of Living Your Soul’s Higher Destiny.


I have grown tremendously...

Kay Sanders is wonderful to work with. She will challenge you to go deeper to uncover what is blocking you from moving forward. 

She does so in a way that shows understanding and compassion. From my time working with Kay, I have grown tremendously. 

She has helped me unlock my soul's purpose and start making my dreams a reality. I highly recommend her!

Angela C.

...allowed me to make real progress in my business...

Kay is a wonderful coach. She’s professional and personable, she’s reliable and relatable. 

Her insights uncovered emotional blocks for me and her strategies to address them allowed me to make real progress in my business. 

She’s not always a comfortable place to be, but she is consistently caring and compassionate. 

Besides, what REAL growth EVER occurred comfortably? She’ll take you places you may not want to go, but you’ll be so glad you went once you get through it. 

If you need a virtual kick in the butt, she’s got just the pumps for the job.

Eden A.

Moved from business stagnation into creating valuable money generating action steps...

Kay’s ‘alive’ energetic personality reflects her passion in coaching. She is filled with knowledge and wisdom from a spiritual perspective as well as a wealth of business knowledge. 

One important aspect to me was that Kay took the time to listen to me and my weaknesses. 

With patience and guidance she is helping me move from business stagnation into creating valuable money generating action steps in my Akashic Business. 

I look forward to what is ahead for me with Kay and I highly recommend Kay as your Business and Mindset Coach.

Eva L.


Are you ready to ignite your soulful business and step into your higher destiny? The path to consistent $10K+ months, attracting soulmate clients, and fulfilling your higher purpose is within reach. 

With a tailored, heart-centered approach, you can overcome the challenges that have held you back up until this point, and achieve the profound transformation, growth and success you have been longing for.

Don’t wait any longer to start living the life and running the business you’ve always dreamed of. 

Book your call today to discover how the Ignite Your Soulful Business program can guide you on this transformative journey. 

Together, we will create a thriving, impactful business that aligns with your soul’s true purpose. 

Your future of abundance, alignment, and impact awaits.

Kay Sanders - Your Guide to Soulful Business Success

I’m Kay Sanders, an intuitive coach, Akashic Record guide, Light Language channel, and mentor to awakening souls. My mission is to help heart-centered entrepreneurs awaken to their inner power, embrace their soul’s higher calling, and create more success, abundance, and freedom in their lives, all while making a bigger impact in the world.

My journey began in 2015 when I started my coaching business. Over the years, I have had the privilege of working with many awakening souls, heart-centered entrepreneurs, and service-based business owners. I’ve helped them grow their businesses, embrace their soul’s higher calling, and step into their power to create lasting change and transformation.

Despite my successes, my path was not without its struggles. I faced numerous challenges and setbacks, particularly in attracting clients and achieving a consistent income. I felt frustrated and overwhelmed by the cookie-cutter marketing strategies that were often misaligned with my values. These "bro-marketing" tactics felt icky and out of sync with who I was, leading me to periods of rebellion where I did nothing, which only compounded my business challenges.

I realized that the problem wasn’t just in what I was doing, but in my internal state. I had to confront and heal my own fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs. This inner work was crucial. I worked with healers and mentors, spending a lot of time in deep self-discovery. I learned that success comes from aligning business strategies with one’s soul blueprint.

In 2020, I also started my YouTube channel to share content and help awakening souls on their spiritual journey. Through this platform, I aimed to grow my following and establish myself as a trusted guide in the spiritual community.

Eventually, I found my way back to my true higher path—helping spiritual entrepreneurs, wayshowers, leaders, and light bringers step into their inner power and create lives of more fulfillment, success, freedom, and impact. This divine intervention redirected me to my true calling and transformed my life.

Today, I am committed to guiding heart-centered entrepreneurs like you to achieve profound business success and spiritual fulfillment. Through the Ignite Your Soulful Business program, I offer a personalized, holistic approach that integrates both inner healing and strategic planning. My goal is to help you align your business with your soul’s blueprint, overcome your challenges, and create a thriving, impactful business that reflects your true purpose.

Copyright © 2024 Kay Sanders Coaching. All rights reserved.

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