• Full Moon December 26th "An Inner C...

    Full Moon December 26th “An Inner Calmness Sets In ” | Energy Update As we approach the full moon on December 26th, a wave of inner calmness is set to envelop us, offering a chance to feel more centered and grounded. This post delves into the five key aspects of…

  • Winter Solstice December 21st "Your...

    Winter Solstice December 21st “Your Path Now Becomes Crystal Clear” | Ascension Energy Update As the Winter Solstice on December 21st approaches, it heralds more than just a change in season. It brings with it a pivotal moment of clarity and direction for our souls. For those who have been…

  • New Moon December 12th: "Your Dream...

    New Moon December 12th: “Your Dreams Now Materialize ” | Energy Update December 12th marks a significant cosmic event with the convergence of the New Moon and the powerful 1212 energy, creating an amplified period for manifestation. This unique alignment offers a profound opportunity to turn dreams into reality. Here’s…

  • Embracing the Final Mercury Retrogr...

    Embracing the Final Mercury Retrograde of 2023: A Gateway to the New Earth Template As we approach the end of 2023, the final Mercury Retrograde season from December 13th to January 1st ushers in a transformative phase, aligning us with the impending Age of Aquarius and the New Earth template…

  • Full Moon November 27th "Stepping T...

    Full Moon November 27th “Stepping Through The Doorway Of The New Earth Template ” | Energy Update The Full Moon on November 27th marks a pivotal moment, ushering us into the New Earth template and aligning with the Aquarian Age. This significant shift offers an opportunity for profound transformation, aligning…

  • New Moon November 13th: "A New Way ...

    New Moon November 13th: “A New Way Opens Up” | Energy Update The New Moon on November 13 marks a significant shift, offering a fresh start and opening new pathways for all of us. After a year of transformation and growth in 2023, this new lunar phase brings an array…