Welcome to Day 6 of the Accessing Your Akashic Records Challenge

"How To Overcome Your Ego To Receive Clear & Accurate Guidance"

Welcome to the final day of the challenge. I am so excited that you have been here with me over the past few days and I hope you had a lot of fun and experienced some exciting things as you started accessing and working with your Akashic Records and your record keepers. In today’s final lesson we are going to focus on overcoming your ego and the challenges you may have had when accessing and working with the records.

After you watched today's training, click here to watch the final video with some final words and best next steps you can take to continue working with your Akashic Records and continue using this powerful tool for even more guidance along the way.

Would you like to have lifetime access to the training? Get it for only $27

Additional Resources & Options

Akashic Records Readings I Offer click here

To apply for a Discovery Session  click here

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