Lesson 1

Preparing To Work With The Akashic Records

Lesson 2

Defining The Right Questions To Ask

Lesson 3

Familiarizing Yourself with Your Akashic Records

Lesson 4

Start Working With Your Akashic Records To Receive Guidance

Lesson 5

Different Methods To Work With The Akashic Records & Receive Guidance

Lesson 6

How To Overcome Your Ego To Receive Clear & Accurate Guidance

Final words

What All Is Possible For You Moving Forward

Welcome to Day 3 of the Accessing Your Akashic Records Challenge

Lesson 3

Familiarizing Yourself With Your Akashic Records

In today's lesson you will start to familiarize yourself with accessing your Akashic Records and getting used to the energy of being in your records. Today you will also meet your Record Keepers.

Light Language Activation For Day Three

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